WYSIWYG intentions...

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WYSIWYG. What you see is what you get.

My husband taught me these initials years ago. It comes from computer programming, but has long been a life goal of mine. And more recently, it got written on a page in a notebook entitled Rules and Intentions...now that I’m fifty.

I’ve written a couple posts about what got me thinking about how I intended to finish my days, and what some of those intentions are here , here, and here.

So this post is a continuation of those thoughts. A journal of short ideas that help frame how I am living and how I intend to live this third and fourth quarter of life.

And today I’m sharing that I intend to be ‘without wax’ or sincere: WYSIWYG.

In the days of wax museums and life like statues, the phrase ‘without wax’ meant that a statue was intact and not patched together. Solid marble, or whatever was the medium that was carved- not filled and touched up. The word sincere actually means ‘without wax’. It would be commonplace to sign a letter with the word ‘sincerely’. By that I’m saying that what I said in the above letter is genuine, true, and honest. 

I have come to love this visual. Actually, I love visual aids. I’m sure I’ve written about that throughout these posts. And this particular visual aid pops into my thoughts often.

Asking myself the question(s):

  • Am I the same person doing my devotions at home as in the line at the grocery store?

  • Do I respond the to the random man riding his bike on my street whether or not anyone is there to see me being friendly?

  • When love is not returned, do I still respond in love?

  • Alone in my car or house, is my character the same as in the middle of a group of campers at the camp where I serve?

  • How about respect- when it isn’t given back to me?

  • If you popped into any random moment in my day- would my actions be consistent with my professed beliefs?

Get the idea?

I intend to live in such a way that you (or anyone else) sees what is genuinely there inside of me. And sometimes what’s in there needs to be sanctified and worked out! But I want it to be without wax, without filler or excuses, without airbrushing or touchups to make it appear more Godly.

How about you?

Will you join me in this intention to be sincere?


Susan Titus