Forgive us, Father...

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On Sunday I listened to my Pastor speak eloquently from Revelation chapter 19 about the wedding feast of the Lamb. 

“Let us rejoice and be glad

    and give him glory!

For the wedding of the Lamb has come,

    and his bride has made herself ready.

Fine linen, bright and clean,

    was given her to wear.”

(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)

He shared how we as a global body of believers- ages past, present, and future- would be clothed in fine linen. Fine linen, he explained, stood for our righteous actions.

“How did I want to prepare myself?”, he asked?

“How did I want my church body, church family, to prepare?”, he asked.

My pursuing righteous living also leads me to desire righteousness in my brothers and sisters, to have a Godly jealousy for them to live righteously.

I was ponderous and praying over this, and still am today.

That was Sunday.

On Monday, I awoke to an article in my inbox. The sin outlined in this article is reprehensible. But what has grieved me deeply is the leadership that allowed this man to continue his abuse- to let it grow and fester. 

Leadership that did not protect the innocent. 

A body of believers at a Christian camp that was not jealous for righteousness.

 I am sad beyond words at the gross misuse of power and authority.

I also serve at a Christian camp, and leadership is a great trust.

Authority and the power that it gives is entrusted to us as a stewardship- to be held reverently, and with great humility.

(I have not vetted all of the facts outlined in the article, though everything I did check was confirmed as written.)

As a young youth leader in my middle 20’s, my Pastor at the time told me quietly, “you will be judged more strictly as a teacher- always guard your life closely, always be accountable, always accept rebuke- seek out Godly commentary on your life.” I remember well sitting there across from him feeling the soberness of the conversation and it remains in my mind today.


I lament this injustice and others like it in our churches and in your bride.

I lament innocent lives forever changed by sexual sin forced upon them.

I lament a church that refuses to expose  its own sexual sin.

I lament leaders who cannot be trusted, who abuse their power.

I lament leaders who allow those leaders serving under them to abuse and misuse their power.

I grieve, mourn, and apologize for the sins of my generation.


Clean us.

Purify us.

Give us a Godly sorrow over an unfit and ill-prepared bride.

Give us a vision of Your holiness.

Give us courage to live that out in this generation.

Let us lead in the example of Your Son’s humility, wisdom, and sacrificial love.

Give us a love for Your bride- a love that reflects Your desires for holiness.


Susan Titus